No. 4 - Plus Pack Complete - Large

CompleteLargeNo. 4Plus Pack
Sale price28,49 € Regular price47,48 €
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SKU: MF1055

Your gentle solution for rough heels!

Rough heels can be annoying, and removing them with equally rough or sharp instruments can be too. Not with the No. 4 Plus Pack. This care set contains the gentle solution for soft, smooth skin.

The Plus Pack No. 4 in large is the right choice for many removals without rubbing or grinding!

Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, is credited with the following bon mot: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So, join in on a completely different form of hand and foot care!

Affordable foot care: The extensive Plus Pack No. 4 from Mr. Fuss makes the gentle removal of dead calluses and cuticles an extremely affordable pleasure. For the price of a simple trip to the movies, you can effectively remove calluses without having to grind or rub. The large set is sufficient for many applications and, for example, for the whole family. Improved foot health: The Plus Pack contains the fast keratolytic solution No. 4 from Mr. Fuss' care system, which softens dead skin or cuticles within minutes. This way, it can be gently removed, quickly leading to sustainably healthy and smooth skin on heels and balls. More information on gentle removal and our Anti-Callous, Anti-Regrowth System can be found below!

Say "Goodbye" to calluses and "Hello" to comfort – with the Mr. Fuss No. 4 Plus Pack. What are you waiting for?

  • Scope of delivery: No. 4 Plus Pack - (Large, Complete version)
  • Active Solution No. 4, 500 ml
  • Natural cotton wool, 25 g
  • Detailed instructions in 5 languages
  • Stainless steel instrument set, stainless steel callus scraper, and double-ended stainless steel cuticle pusher (Complete version)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 98 reviews

Great products!

Btissem Benabid

Je suis esthéticienne et je m'en sers en prestations sur mes clientes, elles en sont ravies! C'est un produit efficace et très facile d'utilisation 👍👍

S T.
Tolles produkt

Hätte noch gedacht daß es funktioniert. Schließe mich aber den positiven Bewertungen an. 10 min einwirken lassen und die Hornhaut an den Füßen lässt sich ganz einfach abkratzen. Die ersten Tage danach war das Gefühl an den Füßen noch etwas komisch (leichtes brennen der Fußsohlen) aber auch das ist inzwischen OK. Ich glaube ich habe gerade eine super Alternative zum Hornhaut raspeln gefunden!!!!!

Stefan Ivanov

Super effektiv.

Mehmet U.
Hält, was es verspricht!

Ich habe bis jetzt sehr viel schon ausprobiert, aber dass, ist das beste Ergebnis überhaupt. Ich empfehle es jedem weiter.

Mr Fuss Hornhautenfernr.

MR. FUSS HORNHAUTKENTFER. Die pruduckt ist sehr gut. Funktioniert einwandfrei.

Dark Fog
Verspricht was es hält

Also ich muss sagen, wenn man es anwendet ist es genauso wie vom Hersteller versprochen.Perfekt weiche Füße und kein langes rum machen ... ich finde es mega gut

Patrick S.
Verrückt, wie gut das funktioniert

Durch Jahresplanes Fussballspielen haben die Füße ordentlich gelitten und dementsprechend auch hat sich Hornhaut gebildet. Nachdem die Tinktur ca. 10 Minuten eingewirkt hat, lies sich die eingeweichte Hornhaut problemlos abschaben. Wahnsinn, wie viel dabei runterkommt. Das Ergebnis ist meiner Meinung nach super.


Es is perfekt suche schon lange nach so einem Mittel, hab das beste gefunden und der preis is top im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten !!Nur zu empfehlen

Have you heard of the Anti-Callous, Anti-Regrowth System?

Dear gentle pushing, instead of rough grinding!

So easy you avoid mechanical abrasion, which basically always leads to increased callous regrowth, and enjoy finally sustainably cared for feet:

Of course, it's logical.

Rough or sharp tools also make the skin rough!

Grater, pumice stone, or plane are not really suitable for sustainably beautifully groomed feet.

We recommend:

So better get rid of it quickly!

If you want to have sustainably smooth skin and beautifully groomed feet, you should rather avoid using these tools.

That's how it gets better.

One solution is the solution!

The keratolytic (callous-dissolving) Mr. Fuss Active Solutions soften calluses and cuticles in a few minutes. This way they can be removed gently and effectively, and above all without mechanical abrasion.

Already after a few minutes.

Gently push away softened calluses!

Gently push like jelly. No sharp or rough instruments, no rubbing or grinding. No rough heels anymore!

For a maximally sustainable effect.

Apply a light cream to the treated areas!

That's how you make a shoe out of it. For the best result, always apply a cream shortly after use. Best with Mr. Foot Care Balm! Also, regularly creamed feet wait longer for new calluses in between.

Finally for you too.

Hands and feet that can be shown off!

Without grinding or rubbing, your skin will not become rougher. This way you can look forward to smooth, soft heels.

Get excited.

Feet to fall in love with!

The Anti-Callous, Anti-Regrowth System from Mr. Fuss helps you break the vicious cycle of endless grinding. No rough tools, no rough skin!

Also on the hands.

Do the same with your cuticles.

The exact same process also helps you gently remove the cuticles: apply solution, let it work briefly, push back cuticles. No more cutting or pushing back = soft, round nail beds.

Mr. Fuss Anti-Callous, Anti-Regrowth System:

Gentle & unique

More details on the application and effectiveness of the Mr. Fuss foot care system program

Explained in more detail!

Do you want a detailed description of the AHAZ System?

Kacper tried it out!

Check out how easy the application is. Kacper's summary in 30 seconds!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get to know the differences of each Mr. Fuss special scraper.